Rio Grande-Infrared
by Britt Runyon
Rio Grande-Infrared
Britt Runyon
Photograph - Digital
This image was created as I walked the banks of the Rio Grande in my home state, The Land of Enchantment. I noticed the leading line of rocks that took my eyes back upstream to the cottonwood grove, which is called a "bosque" here in New Mexico.
The first infrared photographs were not published until 1910. Infrared photography became popular with photography enthusiasts in the 1930s when suitable film was introduced commercially.
August 2nd, 2016
Comments (1)
Roger Passman
Congratulations! Your stunning image is featured by the All Southwest Art and Artists Group. You are invited to post your featured image to the featured image discussion thread as a permanent place to continue to get exposure even after the image is no longer available on the home page. Here is the shortened link to use for placing your image into our archive: — — Here is another shortened link for you with directions for placing an embedded image in the discussion thread if you aren’t sure how to do so: -- A truly grand example of infrared photography. l/f