Mud Waves

by Britt Runyon
Mud Waves
Britt Runyon
Photograph - Photographs
A closer look. People see all sorts of things in this image, from chocolate frosting to an aerial view of desert sand. What do you see? Captured image at the beginning of the hike up North Canyon, Colorado River, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona.
My work is rooted in my experience in nature. As an outdoor enthusiast, rock climber, adventure motorcycle rider, SCUBA Dive Master and Instructor, kayaker, Swift Water Safety Instructor and a whitewater river guide, I have found myself in some pretty amazing places.
I utilize digital processing to enhance what is already there. Striving to find a balance between the physical and its essence. The natural wonder that I feel in the outdoors reminds me of my childhood musings, where my sense of adventure was free from erroneous limitations, where there were no rules. It is this sense of play that I share via my photographs.
November 30th, 2012